
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Special act for increasing income

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Due to this act, hakeem, doctor, lawyer and shopkeeper or other businessmen can take benefit. This act will give them a lot of benefit and income will start increasing. At morning when the sun rises till 1 peg so sit peacefully and open Quran so recite () surah Rehman by facing towards sun. When first time verse, so indicate towards sun with index finger of right hand. Similarly, on this every verse, keep on indicating towards sun till then the surah gets completed. Do this act for at least 40 days. After 40 days, whenever you get time in day, keep the regularity of surah Rehman. With the beatitude of this act, in sha Allah only after 1 week, creatures will start coming. Experienced, whoever is jobless or don’t get job or home, see. Effecting act for riddance from loan and for easiness in rizq: If there is difficulty in house and for such people, this act of Quran is like arrow on target. Do act and get riddance from the difficulty of not getting job, or difficulty in house conditions. With the beatitude of this act, in sha Allah, job will be gained and the financial conditions of house will also start becoming better gradually. The act is this: Recite the following verse, with ablution after Isha prayer. Recite these three verses 1000 times and then see their effect. This act won’t make you hopeless. There should be gap in act. Women can count the special days and complete it afterwards. Firstly, the work will be done in 40 days. Otherwise 2nd chilla and then 3rd chilla remaining do more till 120 days. In sha Allah the work will be done. Surah Momin’s 3 verses are these: ()

For the diseases of eyes: The one whose eyes get swollen or becomes red, in sha Allah the discussed diseases of eyes will be finished with the beatitude of this act. It’s recommended. Act is this: Blow surah Fatiha on eyes, after reciting it 41 times. If your own eyes get swollen so blow on the fingers of hand and rub it on both eyes. In sha Allah comfort will come soon. Does this act regularly till health. In sha Allah there will be benefit. If you get injured on eye so recite durood e Ibrahimi in start and end, of surah Humaza (30th para), and blow on the injury of both eyes. If your own eyes get swollen so blow on the fingers of hand and rub it on both eyes. In sha Allah comfort will come soon. The treatment of nakhoona is this that blowing on eyes shall be done after reciting surah Ikhlas 3 times. In sha Allah Nakhola will be finished. Keep doing this act till complete healing. The biting of crazy dog: If some crazy dog bites someone so recite surah Tariq (30th para) 3 times with durood sharif in start and end and blow on the affected area. Do this act at least 3 times in a day. With Allah’s mercy, there will be comfort. To give more strength to this act, recite surah Haqqa (29th para) and blow on water and make it drink to the patient. Do this till 2 days. In sha Allah the effect of poison will finish and comfort will come. Protection from poisonous insects: The one who recites surah Ikhlas every day, snake will not bite him and if it bites so the poison won’t effect. Indeed recite surah Ikhlas every day 50 times at morning and evening or recite 20 times after every prayer. In whole day its amount has to be completed till 101 times. If the dog attacks on someone so recite this verse 11 times. In sha Allah he will be safe from its evilness. The verse is this: () [Kahaf]

For doing the marriage of boy or girl according to plan: In today’s society, the marriage of girl has become very big problem because appropriate proposals are not finding and if they are found so unmatched. Same is the situation of boys that they don’t get girl according to their like. In sha Allah, with this act, the problem of both will be solved in best way. Do this act. Eat only halal rizq and do regularity of prayers. After first 4 prayers 33 times and after Isha prayer 333 times, with 7 times durood sharif in start and end. The verse is this: () [Yusuf]. Keep on doing this act till when appropriate proposal of boy or girl don’t come. In sha Allah in first chilla, work will be done. Women can complete the special days afterwards.

The act for obedience of children: In these days false dramas and films of media has rebelled the youngsters. They also start acting like the actors of movies. They don’t feel any hesitation in disobedience of parents and rebellion; instead feel proud on this false attitude. Quran has told its solution also. This is this that, on other of boy or girl or any member of house shall keep on reading Asma-ul-Husna in any time of day, with ablution and at least do this act for 90 days. The children will become obedient and comfort will be gained. If regularity of every day shall be done so more benefits will come in front. Recite 11 times durood-e-Ibrahimi in start and end and in middle recite this Asma-ul-Husna 300 times ( ). After this act recite this name 60 times              (). Stubborn fever and its treatment: For hopeless, untreatable, very hot and still fever, one gentleman told this act and says that this is my experienced. With its beatitude many untreatable patients are healed. Reader! You also do this act and see wonder. Act is very short. Recite durood-e-Ibrahimi in start and end after Asar prayer and in between recite surah Mujadila (28 Para) 3 times and blow on patient. Do this act continuously till 40 days. Don’t do gap. In sha Allah, Allah SWT will give healing to the patient. Special act for head ache: If anytime you get headache and comfort is not coming so recite the following verse of surah Aalaa (30 Para) with durood-e-Ibrahimi in start and end and blow on sugar and make the patient eat it. Keep on doing it after every one hour. In sha Allah for sure there will be betterment. The verse is this () [Aalaa]. (Slave of Allah, Wah Cantt)

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